
Showing posts from May, 2020

Letter to Sarah

1. Do you think the the "Burns Effect"--scanning, panning and zooming across old photographs--is an effective way to document an historical event?   Yes I think the burns effect is an effective way to document a historical event. 2. If you believe that it is, what about the technique is effective? If you don't think that it is, what would be a better way to visually present the information? To me I think that the technique is effective as well. 3. Other than the Narrator's voice, there are moments with background noise and other moments with a musical score. What do you feel is the reason for placing the music where it was placed? I think the reason for the different sounds it to kind of show feeling or emotion. 4. Although undoubtedly "cleaned up" many of the photographs contain imperfections. Do you feel that this adds to, or detracts from, the success of the scene? I think it does detract from the success of the scene a little bit. 5. Burns included some